1. Pride & Prejudice- the book, although I did see the BBC version finally and enjoyed it, the book is top notch.
2. Star Wars- the originals, of course
3. Return to Me - one of the most predictable movies ever made, and yet I still love it and watch it over and over again.
4. James Bond - I like all of them, really, but have a special place for Sean Connery and Peirce Brosnan. I did like the new guy too, Daniel Craig.
5. Remington Steele - continuing on the Pierce Brosnan theme, I really like Remington Steele.
6. Harry Potter - really, what list is complete without mention of good ole Harry?
7. Star Trek - I am particularly attached to Star Trek: Voyager, but really love all things Star Trek with the possible exception of the originals. Mock me if you will.
8. Twilight series - Yes, yes, it's a hokey love story involving a 17 year old girl and a 100 year old vampire. Your point is.....
9. Slipper and the Rose - If you haven't seen this movie, you really should. A Cinderella movie, with a couple of twists and some pretty funny lines. "Make sure she has teeth! He has an obsession with them having teeth!"
10. Ever After - More on the Cinderella theme. Classic.
11. To Say Nothing of the Dog - by Connie Willis, a great book, loosely based on Three Men In a Boat, to say Nothing of the Dog by Jerome K Jerome. Highly recommend both. Great for a laugh.
12. Les Choriste - Song by The Ten Tenors I can listen to over and over and over again...and have. I'd include a sound clip if I knew how to do that...
13. Thumbelina - I can't quite figure out why I love this movie so much, but it's great!
14. Bringing up Baby - Oh man, seriously one of the funniest movies ever made. Cary Grant is my hero!
15. Leave it to Psmith - by PG Wodehouse. Laughed on almost every single page.
16. Hairspray - This movie I think is fantastic, every time I watch it I'm sad when it's over.
17. The Wizard and I - Ok, so here I could just put anything from Wicked, but if I could only listen to one song, it would probably be this one.
18. Goose Girl (and following 2 books) - by Shannon Hale- fun fairy tale books
19. Casablanca - "Here's looking at you, kid."
20. Home Improvement - I've seen every episode at least 3 times (with the exception of the last season, I kind of missed those). Funny every time.
21. I was a Male War Bride - another classic from Cary Grant, he is so funny!
22. David Copperfield - no, not the magician, the book by Charles Dickens.
23. Smallville - Do the plot lines get more and more ridiculous with each season? Yes, yes they do. But I still like it.
24. Superman Returns - Speaking of Smallville...."I think those are coordinates, chief."
25. Spiderman - Might as well continue with the superhero theme here. "Hi. This is really heavy."
26. Cast in Stone - Song by The Ten Tenors. I love the whole CD but this song is my favorite at the moment...
Tip o' the day: This morning I got to work, parked my car, and then sat in it for a couple minutes so I could hear the end of the song on the radio. I was parked in front of this duplex type place. As I'm about to get out of the car, this guy walks out of the door of this duplex- wearing no shirt, the biggest beer belly I've seen in a while, several tatoos, talking on a cell phone (and I'm seeing him smoking too, but that's probably not true...). I said to myself man, I didn't need to see that. So, although most of my readers I believe are female, my tip for today is if you don't want to see it, neither does anybody else. Keep your shirt on.
Happy Birthday tomorrow! I hope it is a good one!
George? George? George? George? George? George?
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