Wednesday, February 27, 2008

4 days

Just in case you forgot, which you probably did, I'm going to see The Ten Tenors live. In just 4 days. As if the mere fact isn't exciting enough, I have a visual. You see, there are ten tenors. And at the last concert brillianceness I went to, I was forced to buy the magnets, which adorn the side of my refridgerator. So at 10 days out, I started moving a magnet a day from the side to the front of the fridge. The last one will be Shannon of course (actually Julie's genius idea, not mine). So, here you are: 4 days, 4 tenors.

And here's the front of my fridge, for all those days you sadly missed out on:

So all in all, Saturday night should be fabulous, and I'm excited.

In other items of interested, yesterday I saw this billboard for Chipotle while I was driving around. It said "We put the "burrito" in gourmet". I think that's pretty much hilarious, and I was laughing out loud in my car for a few minutes. And, guess what I had for dinner? That's right. A burrito from Chipotle. Yum! I think that Chipotle's website is pretty funny. Especially the live web cams, which include such exciting videos as "mean marinating" and "avacados ripening". Funny stuff. You should go there next time you're bored.

Tip o' the day: If you're picky about your bananas (as I am very much) just buy one at a time. And eat it the day after you buy it. Otherwise it will get some brown spots (my limit is maybe 2) and then what a waste!

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